In Features

Bedfordshire is a great place to visit, work and live, we all know this and Bedford, one of its busier towns is a hub of social and cultural events. How do you know whether you’re a true Bedfordian though? We thought we’d compile a list, so the more of these you’ve done, the more Bedfordian you are.

  • You’ve eaten at least one Bedfordshire Clanger.
  • Played a round of golf at the putting green at the Kiosk in the Park in Bedford
  • Walked along the river to Great Denham in Bedford
  • Attended the River Festival
  • Had to explain to visitors who John Bunyan was and why we care so much about it
  • Been to either a Bedford Blues or a Luton FC home game
  • You’ve had an interesting encounter with an animal at Woburn Safari Park
  • You’ve gotten lost in the wilderness in Marston Vale or Greensand Ridge
  • You’ve gazed wistfully at a plane leaving Luton Airport
  • You’ve tried to get a peek at the film crews using Cardington Hangars

If you’ve done any of these things, then congratulations, you are a Bedfordian!
Just know it doesn’t matter if your Bedford born and bred, because Bedford isn’t just a place, it’s a state of mind.
